DIY Tomato Cage Bird Bath

Looking for a very easy way to make a bird bath? All you need is a few garden items and this DIY project is done in minutes with a tomato cage.

Looking for a very easy way to make a bird bath? All you need is a few garden items and this DIY project in done in minutes

First, a little garden update.

Oh, how the garden is producing right now. Zucchini and squash are picked almost every day. I’m so glad I used the hybrid seeds this year in the garden because it has been a total success compared to last year when my squash turned to mush. It could be that I am using raised gardens with really good soil or hybrid seeds or a combination of both. I am going with the seeds as a major component. Especially for my area.

DIY Tomato Cage Bird Bath + May Garden Update 2015

There is nothing like fresh green beans and I think I will have one more picking and they will be done. I will try them one more time in the fall and if they don’t produce any better, I won’t plant them anymore. You have to plant many plants to get a lot of green beans. It’s one of those things that is easier to buy them in the can or fresh from the marketplace.

I’ve already had to spray my tomatoes with organic garden spray for worms and I’ve only had to deal with a couple of snails. One way I have learned to keep snails from getting to my plants is to keep the squash leaves up off the ground to keep the snails from traveling on them. Get rid of any “bridges” for them to climb on from the ground and I also use a bit of snail bait to keep them off my peppers. Seems that’s the only thing they want to eat in my garden.

Now let’s make a bird bath.
Looking for a very easy way to make a bird bath? All you need is a few garden items and this DIY project in done in minutes

One area of my gardens I haven’t spoken about is my Butterfly Garden. A very small area by my lanai with only butterfly, bird, and bee-friendly plants. Since this is a small area, I needed a small birdbath that would withstand the Florida sun and heat. Not easy to find. So, what is a gardener to do?  Make one!

Items you need:
Looking for a very easy way to make a bird bath? All you need is a few garden items and this DIY project in done in minutes

I choose a green tomato cage so it would be hidden in the garden but there are so many fun colors out there today to choose from.  Next, I also took my terracotta pot bottom and painted it with a coat of primer, then a couple of coats of outdoor blue paint I had in the garage, and also spray sealed it.  The color of the blue gave it a swimming pool effect.

DIY Tomato Cage Bird Bath + May Garden Update 2015

Mr. G then cut the wire off right above the bottom ring of the tomato cage so it wouldn’t be so high in the garden.  You wouldn’t have to do this if you have a larger garden.

Looking for a very easy way to make a bird bath? All you need is a few garden items and this DIY project in done in minutes

Insert the tomato cage in the garden and just lay the pot bottom on top and fill it with water.  What I also love about the bird bath is it’s so easy to clean.  Just take off the top, wash it off, and refill it with water.

The paint has held up nicely with no chipping.  So be sure to seal it before using it with a good polyurethane clear spray.

DIY Tomato Cage Bird Bath + May Garden Update 2015

I have a pair of doves who like to hang around my garden and they love sitting up in the birdbath in the morning to enjoy a drink.

BIRD TRIVIA:  Did you know that doves are the only birds who drink with their heads down?  All other birds will take a sip and then hold their head up so the water will roll down their throats.

Then he sent out a dove from him, to see if the water was abated from the face of the land – Genesis 8:8

If you have any garden questions or have found a great new plant to grow, let us know about it. Gardening is learning from others and sharing new ideas really helps me with future posts to pass along to you.

Enjoy These Posts:
Are your tomato plants too heavy for conventional tomato cages? So how you can make a heavy duty tomato cage with PVC pipe
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Looking for a way to save money on water and also have enough water for your plants or garden? How about a rain barrel.
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    1. Thank you Cindy. I plant flowers most of the summer here in Florida because their growing season isn’t as long as the warmth is. I like flowers 365 here.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Oh you can grow all kinds of veggies in containers on an apartment porch area. I grow tomatoes, herbs and other items in pots.

    2. Containers might work for you. A 2 gallon pot can get you some lovely tomatoes or peppers. Herbs, or even strawberries can be grown! I use my deck as the bulk of my garden because we have so much shade where I live. And if I travel, I put the pots in the bathtub with water in it so that they won’t dry up while I’m gone.

  1. You must have read my mind, because I have been trying to figure out how to make a bird bath, and I have like 6 tomato cages the previous renter left behind. This is absolutely perfect.

    1. Me too Emma. The squirrel will come by and clean his nuts in there before he eats them. I haven’t figured that out yet. LOL

  2. What a great idea! I have some extra tomato cages and I always have extra pot bottoms from older pots that have cracked. Can’t wait to give this a try. 🙂

    1. Me too Wendy. I had those items and extra spray paint, so basically that project didn’t cost me anything except my time. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Great idea! Looks like the tomato cage works great for a birdbath, and simple to make. I pour beer in a disposable container to help with my snail problem. They climb it in and die.

    1. HI Linda and thanks for stopping by. I have heard that beer works very well with that. Another idea for me to try.

        1. Yes, you do have to keep the bad water out of them. I clean mine out at least once a week. The birds appreciate it for sure.

  4. The birdbath idea is genius! I love fresh green beans and hate canned green beans. I usually plant some, but I have been too busy with trying to move!

  5. What a great idea for a project. I love it. It’s simple and it came out great.

  6. The tomato cage birdbath is a super cute idea. I think I have all those things to actually makeone today! Down to the spray paint! guess I know what I”ll be doing this afternoon! Cool idea!

    1. Great project for kids. They could paint all kinds of things on the terra cotta bottom and then after sealing it, it will last for a long time.

  7. This is awesome! I love how you created something so simple yet beautiful. I love gardening!

  8. I love this idea. It’s so wonderful to have so much nature and beauty in your own backyard!

  9. What a great idea for a bird bath. I didn’t know that about birds. I thought all of them will take a sip and put their heads up.

  10. omg what a cute and adorable bird bath!!! This would look super cute in my backyard!

  11. loved your idea here,,as i read your comments about beans, i grow blue lake pole beans and the yield if 2-3 times more than other beans, try them one time-i hope you get plenty

    1. HI John. Since my garden is soooooooo small, I really had no choice to use the bush style beans. I knew from my mom and hubby that the bush beans don’t produce as much and pole beans do much better. I am wanting to try some kind of pole system to use in one of my square foot garden areas and see how that works.

  12. I use tomato cages to grow green pole beans….eight plants around the base works great. Sometimes I have too many beans! Did everyone know that green beans are great for dogs who are portly? Just cook them up and substitute them for half of the dry food you normally feed. No wasting the uglies either! Blessings!

  13. This is a great idea! What type of paint did you use? I want to make sure that I don’t use anything toxic as I don’t want to harm my feathered friends.

    1. HI Michele. I just used Rustoleum outdoor paint for the color and then sealed it with poly. I actually don’t know any outdoor paint that wouldn’t have some kind of chemical in them. The birds don’t have any problems with it and have loved the bird bath for quite sometime now. The squirrels will even clean their food and drink out of it.

  14. I am so happy to find a blogger from Florida. I’ know, Tammy, that you understand the heat and humidity we live with.

    Love he bird bath idea. I just happen to have all the items necessary. (I have 20 big tomato plants! (first time)

  15. Tammy great idea..I want, to run out in the yard and make one right now, but since it’s midnight I probably should wait until morning 🙂

  16. Tammy I found a large shallow beautiful blue ceramic glazed bowl at a thriftstore for $2, so I don’t even need to paint anything!

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