How To Really Save Money on Groceries
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Learn how to save money on groceries while keeping your budget on track the easy way.

I’ve been pretty frugal most of my life, but when 2008 came and we lost almost everything in our real estate business, I had to learn a new way of being more frugal with our grocery money and make it stretch as far as it would go.
I hope this guide will help you learn how to save money on everyday grocery expenses in any size household.

Using coupons on items you normally purchase will save you money. Since the tv show “Extreme Couponing” basically stopped so many of the good sales using coupons, I had to figure out a new way to shop. Comparison prices are still the best way to save money today. Compare to see if the generic brand is cheaper or does other stores carry the same product cheaper without using a coupon. Following sites like Southern Savers and the Krazy Coupon Lady will help you learn how to coupon better.

Shop the BOGO’s with coupons is still a great way to save money and stock up. Since I live in Florida, Publix is my choice to do BOGO deals. Florida is a true BOGO state which means you have to buy both items to get the BOGO deal. Some states will let you buy one BOGO item and it will be half price. Be sure to check out your local grocery stores’ policies on BOGO deals.
Check to see if anyone you know may not use their Sunday paper coupons which will save your money. I have a neighbor who doesn’t use coupons and she will give them to me each week. There are several websites where you can print out coupons as well. Such as Smart Source, Grocery Smarts, RedPlum,,, P & G are the ones I use the most.
Shop the discount stores like Aldi’s, Save A Lot, and Dollar General Store. I use Aldi’s for most of my produce, dairy, bread, and organic items and Dollar General Store for a lot of household items.

Buying by bulk at Sam’s or Costco is another way to save money. I will buy my meat, coffee, toilet paper, and other items we use a lot of so I can fill my freezer. Also, look for your local farmer who sells their meat in bulk. No more middleman and you can find out his growing practices. You purchase the kind of meat you want and you save money. Buying 6 steaks at Sam’s will cost about $25.00. That’s about $10.00 for Mr. G and me to have steak one night compared to about $40+ for us to eat out. Your local farmer also has the best organic eggs or if you have space, raise your own hens. That’s my next project.
I recently started using the Amazon Subscribe & Save program with some non-perishable items. You can save not only your time but gas and up to 15% off your items. Many of these items will have coupons to use.
Where ever you shop for your groceries, be sure to compare prices! Go to the websites of the stores in your area and look at their sale bills to compare sales. I will also go to Amazon to see if it’s cheaper for Prime delivery. Start a spreadsheet of prices per size from each store you shop to help you decide the best store to buy your groceries from.
Don’t Overbuy! Only buy what you and your family can use so you won’t be throwing out any food that has gone bad. Try to only go to the store once a week which will help you not overbuy. I have noticed that if I shop alone, I won’t buy as much. Mr. G likes to buy items we shouldn’t be eating anyway.

I have some heavy-duty shelves in my garage where I keep our “Store”. When I find a good BOGO deal on items with a long shelf life, I will buy several of them. Especially the items we use often. Mr. Gl made the wooden sectional parts of the shelves for me.

Grow a Garden
Having your own garden or participating in a community garden is a great way to save money on groceries. Other advantages are knowing that your produce is chemical-free, growing items not only for your family but also to share with others, and having an abundance you can freeze for later in the year. It’s also a great teaching moment for the kids to learn where our food comes from.
As you can see in the picture above, my garden is small but perfect for 2 people. I mainly grow cabbage, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, several varieties of lettuce spinach and kale. Living in Zone 9a means I can have a garden from September to May.
If you worry about not having a green thumb, then start out small by growing in a container right out the front door, on your windowsill or on a balcony. You can also grow a small garden indoors too. There are so many different varieties of garden plants made for containers now, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and herbs.

Learn to eat with seasonal foods. Local farmer’s markets are perfect for in-season vegetables and fruits and are cheaper than buying at the grocery store and when they are not in season.

Look for your local U-Pick farms to buy in bulk to store in the freezer or if you like to can foods. Keeping your pantry and freezer stocked also helps to save money. We go every spring and pick 2 buckets full of blueberries to put in the freezer for the whole year. My blueberry bushes produce a lot but not for the whole year.

Plan Your Meals
Stick to your list and use a calculator as you shop to stay under budget. Shop on a full stomach and you’ll buy fewer snacks and/or things you don’t usually buy and only buy groceries, not all the extra stuff at the grocery store! Save that for the discount stores.

A few years ago, I started planning out my weekly meals before I went grocery shopping. Knowing exactly what you want to fix for meals will save you money and time. Going to the grocery store without a plan or when you are hungry will only mean you buy more than you need.
My favorite grocery shopping app is the AnyList App which allows me to make several lists to different stores. I also sync to my favorite recipes to glance at ingredients. You can sync up with other users in the family so that they can add to your lists. The app is also synced up with my Echo Dot so I can add items to any of my lists when I think of them.
I recently discovered the Ibotta app and I’m so glad I did. Ibotta is SO EASY to use. Simply open the app before shopping and select your store (Target, Walmart, all major grocery stores, and more). Quickly search through the sale items on the app and select what you’re going to buy. Then, go shopping. When you get home, scan your receipt into the app and get cashback! This money adds up quickly and can be transferred directly to your PayPal account. Sign up here and get $5 for FREE in your account!

I use the Publix app which shows their sale bill each week where I can choose what I want to purchase which is added to the apps shopping list. While I am shopping the app will tell me where to find each item on each aisle and I can then check off what I put in my shopping basket. A great time saver.

I love cooking in batches and freezing meals to have something on hand when we are busy or I’m just too tired to even think about cooking. Having a meal plan will help you save not only time but also you won’t be rushing through the drive-thru for dinner and paying more for unhealthy meals.

Make from Scratch
I make as many items as I can from scratch to save money. My dressings, BBQ sauces, spice mixtures, smoothies, cleaning supplies, etc. are just a few. Instead of using packaged meals, I will make them from scratch. I love my homemade yogurt and it’s so easy to make. I know what’s in my homemade items and don’t have to worry about all the nasty additives, and preservatives and can control the fat, sugar, and salt. I even make my own ice cream on special occasions with my small ice cream maker. I found a great book called The Made-from-Scratch Life: Simple Ways to Create a Natural Home for a lot of recipes to make from scratch to help live a chemical-free life.

Eat Out Less
I know this is a tough one to follow, but eating out can be so costly. A meal for the two of us will average about $40 in our area. There are also health consequences by going out to eat often since there are so much fat and salt in restaurant food. By cooking at home with yummy recipes, you can control what goes into your meals. Save your money for a special occasion for a meal out then you will appreciate it more.
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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My sister and I were just talking about this topic. I’ve decided that somehow I’m going to learn to save money on groceries this year and she was giving me some tips. I’m going to use yours as well and see if I can’t stop with my wasteful spending.
I try to eat seasonally when it comes to produce and fruit. I do most of my grocery shopping online and pick it up the next day at the store. Thanks for giving me a few savings ideas to keep in mind when grocery shopping.
We grow a huge garden and put everything up for winter use while eating fresh during summer. I don’t have to go to the grocery story much we are very self sufficient.
During the warmer months I garden, and it’s something that I truly love. I have to look into using the Amazon Subscribe and Save.
I am so bad. I don’t look for sales OR use coupons. I get what I need and get out lol.
These are all great tips. I love shopping in bulk and I just started meal panning again. I hope to be able to start a garden soon to grow my produce.
I always love to save when I can. I do use Ibotta! Plus coupons. And I try to buy certain things when they go on sale. I’ll have to check out the Amazon program.
I slacked for a while but I just started using ibotta again. I don’t use coupons unless it’s BJs.
What wonderful ideas for saving money on groceries! Often I buy fresh products in bulk and end up not using half of them. It’s so wasteful and I feel terrible about it. Having a weekly meal plan really helps! You can schedule multiple recipes that use the same base products. Meal prepping in advance and freezing is also a great strategy!
I love shopping at Aldi’s and Trader Joes. I find that we eat what we buy at those places better and they are cost effective. I love your suggestions too.
I used to coupon but it’s really not as good as it used to be. I do love to BOGO deals at Publix.
I’m a huge fan of coupons and BOGO! I can’t believe how much you can save with those two alone!
Meal planning has been a huge life saver for us. It has saved us a ton. These are really great tips.
Stocking up when things are on sale has been really helped us cut down our grocery bill. Also, we signed up for a farmer’s market co-op. We get fresh seasonal veggies throughout the year direct from the farm and at a great price.
I love saving money and you gave here very good options. I will try them all!
I live in Florida as well and recently decided to start shopping at Aldi’s to save on groceries. Thank you for all of your tips!
I love growing veggies during the warmer months, it does saves you a lot of money especially if you can or freeze some of them.
I get dozens of emails from you. Change the subscription to Stop doesn’t stop. Please remove my email. Filling up my email.
Great tips! as a family of 6 we spend a fortune on groceries and I really want to focus on making savings this year spending less. Fab advice!
All great tips! I realized that my shopping for long chunks of time was saving me from extra trips to the store, but costing me more money since I wasn’t using all of the food I purchased before it went bad. Definitely got a lot to learn, but this is so helpful.
These are all great tips. Thanks for sharing! ☺️
We live on a farm and have always grown our own vegetables, with no chemicals. As we have gotten older not so much, but I have always been frugal with our meals, making many soups and stews which stretch your meat budget, which is good for you as well. Used to make my own. Read and desserts, when my boys were small. It is really quite easy to make nutritious and reasonable meals. Just takes time.