Day Trip to Spook Hill
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Spook Hill is one of those places you must stop by and visit. What causes this? Optical illusion?? Some scientific phenomenon? It’s just fun!!

I recently posted about our latest date day to The Bok Singing Tower and how beautiful it was that day. So many flowers were blooming and the weather was perfect for Central Florida and a day of just enjoying a walk in some of God’s beauty.

And as we left the beautiful tower, we would miss

The stunning blooms

All the creatures of the area

And the smells of orange blossoms as we drove to the edge of the property.
The orange trees were in full bloom that day and the property is surrounded by orange groves. I wish this post was “scratch n’ sniff”, because the sweetness of the orange blossoms was so intoxicating. At one point, we stopped the car just to stand outside and raise our noses to the air.
We knew there was one more place we had to stop by.
Just for fun and laughs.
Spook Hill in Lake Wales, Florida
Spook Hill is located just a few miles from the front gate of The Bok Tower. Actually, you just go across the street and follow the signs.
I’m sure at this point you are wondering, “What is Spook Hill?”
I’m so glad you asked.

I remember, many years ago, seeing a small news report about Spook Hill on the news and thought at that time, that would be fun to visit. Fast forward many years later too after hubby and I married. We went together for the first time to The Bok Tower and he suggested we go to Spook Hill since it was right there. Mr. G’s family is originally from Lake Wales, so he had been to Spook Hill many times before. Then I remembered the news report all those years ago.
I was excited. I love Sci-Fi.
Once you get to the area there is a sign (above) that explains the legend and explains what to do.
Next, drive your car to the white line on the road down from the sign.
The white arrow will stay on the white line in all the pictures below.

Put your car in neutral and let off the brakes. Keep looking out the front window and then….

You slowly

Roll up the hill BACKWARDS!!!
As you can see in the pictures you stop on the top of the hill.
What causes this? Optical illusion?? Some scientific phenomenon?
I never question good old-fashioned fun!!
This advertisement above shows what the area looked like many years ago. All orange groves.
Now homes dot the right side of the street and are you ready for this….
The school on the left side of the street is named after this attraction with Casper the Ghost as their mascot.
I’m a sucker for this stuff!
So, next time you are driving to Lego Land or taking a back road through Central Florida, stop by Lake Wales and give Spook Hill a look-see and watch out for those gators.
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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Great post Tammy, I would love to smell those Orange Blossoms! Happy you are having fun times with the hubby!
Your pictures are always awesome! Looks like lots of fun & I would love to travel to FL just to see that hill ;-0
Thanks for linking up at the Bloggers Brags Weekly Pinterest Party
Thank you Tamara. I love taking pictures and learning how.
Looks like a fun place to go. I live in Florida so this would be a good idea for a day trip. Thanks for linking up with Hump Day Happenings.
Looks like lots of fun. If I get to Florida I will check it out. Glad you and your husband are enjoying day dates!
Thanks Kim for stopping by. Its a neat place to see and enjoy. Reminds me so much of old Florida.
What a fun place to visit! And those pictures of yours are absolutely gorgeous! Glad you had such a great time 🙂
How fun is that??? I love stuff like that with some “magic” in it. I wouldn’t question the phenomenon either! Thanks for sharing on Hump Day Happenings : )
I really love it because its so old Florida. Been there 3 times now and it just makes you giggle.
That is so cool! You had me intrigued. You take the best pictures–I want to visit all the places you write about!
Those pics look stunning!! and the hill story is great would love to see that with my own eyes