No Melt Suet and Recipe
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Make your own suet recipe and watch the birds flock to your feeders. It’s easier than you think and also learned about No Melt Suet

Gardening is slowing down a bit this time of the year, but it’s also time to get my bird feeders ready to go for the winter. Suet feeders are a great way to feed them and suet is also easy to make yourself.
I love feeding the birds in my backyard. It’s been a passion of mine for so long. Just watching them grab a few nibbles with their mate and seeing all the different birds in our area. I wish we had more, but I don’t live next to the forest and there aren’t many trees in my area. I planted one in the backyard and that has drawn a few to my feeders. Birds really don’t care to hang around palm trees.
Birds love to eat from suet feeders. High-fat treats are great when it really gets cold outside. True suet is made with animal fat provides a good source of energy and attracts your larger birds. The woodpeckers love my suet feeders, so I make sure I keep them filled. But I have one problem here in Central Florida. It does get hot and when it gets above 80 degrees here suet will get gooey. Yuk! Not good for my yard or the birds.

So I was on another mission of trying to find a solution. I visit Tractor Supply often to get my dog’s food there and they always have a great selection of birdhouses, feeders, and seed mixtures. I then found a product I didn’t know about called No Melt Suet. I have also found these at Walmart and other stores. I had to try it and it works great!!! It stays hard and doesn’t make a mess.

I put out the suet in a suet feeder on November 1st and I will keep it full until about May. So many birds migrate to and from Florida and if I leave it up in the summertime here, it will turn black from mold.
I have made my own suet in the past and it’s super easy. Suet is just fat from beef that has been trimmed off. I go to my butcher and ask if he has any suet. It’s usually just thrown out and the butcher has always been pleased to give me some. I have also found out that using real beef suet is what the birds like most. Lard was rarely touched. What suet I don’t use, I will put in the freezer.
Here is the recipe I use to make my own:
- 1 cup real beef suet
- 1 cup crunchy peanut butter
- 2 cups “quick cook” oatmeal
- 2 cups yellow cornmeal
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/3 cup sugar
Melt the suet and peanut butter together in a large pot. Stir in the remaining ingredients, a little at a time. The mix should be the consistency of cookie dough. If it’s too runny, add more flour. Spoon it into suet trays (I keep trays from store-bought suet). Press down in the trays firmly to make a nice solid block. I have had friends scope out balls with a cookie scoop or put them in small paper cups too. Freeze your blocks until time to use them.
I have also added chopped-up nuts, sunflower seeds, and dried fruit to the mixture. The birds will thank you for those extra treats.
If you are looking for other recipes, here is a great source.
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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Awesome! My parents are bird-feeding aficionados…will have to pass this along!
Thanks, I hope they enjoy it.
GREAT post! I’m going to make this for my parents’ Christmas present. They have really gotten in to birdwatching in their backyard.
Thanks. I hope they enjoy them.
I learned something new today. I had no idea this was called a suet, and it’s pretty easy to make as well. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Your larger birds really love suet. Especially in the winter when they really need fat in their system. You can get the ready made ones for about $1.00 at Walmart to try to see if they like it at your home.
Thank you for sharing this. I really want to get/make a bird feeder as a way to teach my toddle about birds. I’ll have to search for supplies and get started. Didn’t realize how important bird feeding is in the colder months!
Thank you MJ for stopping by
We’ve been working on renovating our backyard. A bird feeder is a much-needed addition.
A bird feeder is a must in any back yard. Even though I don’t get many birds here where I live in Florida, the ones I do get are just so much fun to watch
We have so many birdies in our backyard. This a great one to remember!
Thanks Kimberly
Thank you for sharing. I have pinned this post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party!
What a neat idea – we’re hoping to move soon… Maybe a bird feeder is in our future! Thanks for linking up with us at the Motivational Monday blog party!
You and your family would love a bird feeder.
nice recipe for suet do you have one for seed cakes? bird seed cakes .
Hi Billy Bob. I will be showing that next month. So be sure to come back and check