Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop #52
Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop party!
Introducing our new 15th blog host of this party: Bath Time Fun Time a rich source of games, toys and ideas for moms and families with babies …by Saira Perl.

Last week we had 662 super posts shared at our party… here are the most popular!
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Editor’s Picks
There were so many excellent shares this week, it was too hard to pick only one. Hey, it was hard to pick four, but I did it!

- Please follow our host and co-hosts in as many ways possible (social media links below) ♥
- PLEASE TWEET THIS PARTY !!!! We want everyone to know about it!
- Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like, no giveaways, Etsy shops or blog parties please. You are welcome to share them in the comments, though.
- Visit two or more others. Let them know you’ve been there!
- Visit our FEATURES and comment, pin, share — do what you can to bless them!
- When you are PINNING, please remember to do it from the original post. ♥
- Follow our Wonderful Wednesday PINTEREST board, if you’d like (below) ♥
- If you are new, let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. ♥
- And, thanks for joining us!
Sinea of Ducks ‘n a Row
Saira from Mom Resource and Bath Time Fun Time *NEW !!!
Tammy of My Life Abundant
Natasha of Tiny Tots Adventures
CD of CD’s Country Living
Emma of Adventures of Adam
Heidi Jo of Simplee Thrifty
Niki of Play And Learn Every Day
Brittany of Mommy On Demand
Kim of 2JustByou
Shannon of Crafty Mama In Me
Dawn of Spatulas on Parade
Alli of Tornadough Alli
Marilyn of Marilyn’s Treats
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
Read more about me and check out my media kit. Our Privacy Policy
Hello beautiful! Thank you for hosting such an fabulous party! I would to see you at our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We Pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls