No Mess Baked Bacon

Cooking bacon is so messy. But I have the perfect solution to cooking bacon with no mess by baking it. So easy and no mess

Cooking bacon is so messy. But I have the perfect solution to cook bacon with no mess and they will turn out perfectly every time.

I simply adore bacon.

don’t you?

But hate frying it up in a pan and dealing with flying and popping grease mess everywhere.

Don’t You?

For years now I had been buying the super-duper size of Hormel-cooked bacon at Sam’s. It was pretty good bacon and all you had to do was pop it in the microwave for a few seconds and you had instant bacon. Problem was, it could be a tad bit expensive and it was getting where Sam’s wasn’t carrying it all the time. I needed a solution.

Bake My Own!

I can get nice thick bacon at Publix quite often for buy 3 get 1 free deal and with coupons, it really makes it a great deal.

Cooking bacon is so messy. But I have the perfect solution to cook bacon with no mess and they will turn out perfectly every time.

I start off with a sheet cake pan, foil, and a cooling rack. Cover as much of the cake pan as you can with the foil.  It will make clean up much easier. Even though my cooling rack is non-stick, I still spray it with a non-stick spray.

Cooking bacon is so messy. But I have the perfect solution to cook bacon with no mess and they will turn out perfectly every time.

Layout the bacon as close as you can get but not overlap each other. They do shrink.

Cooking bacon is so messy. But I have the perfect solution to cook bacon with no mess and they will turn out perfectly every time.

Bake for 20 minutes for thin bacon at 400 degrees. If you have thicker bacon, bake for a couple more minutes. Times can vary depending on the thickness of your bacon, so start watching at about 15 minutes until you get the perfect amount of time. Baking the bacon on a rack really makes it much crisper than letting it bake in its own grease.

The layout on a paper towel and start the process all over. After the bacon is all cooled, I will layer the bacon between paper towels and close it up in a zip loc bag. Some I put in the fridge, but most go in the freezer for later. Some don’t even make it to the bag.  🙂

To heat up, just pop a few pieces in the microwave for a few seconds. Don’t let it cook too long or it will burn.  Badly!!  Trust me.

When it’s time to clean up, I make sure the bacon grease is completely cooled, and then VERY slowly I will pour the bacon grease into an old plastic butter container. Snap on the lid, roll up the foil into a ball, and it’s ready for the trash. Unless you are one who loves to keep their bacon grease for cooking. The pan and cooling rack is easy to wash and put away now. No scrubbing.

This process may take a bit of time, but I’ve learned to do other things (checking out what’s going on in the social world) during the baking time.

Let’s take one more look at this bacon yumminess.

Cooking bacon is so messy. But I have the perfect solution to cook bacon with no mess and they will turn out perfectly every time.
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Cooking bacon is so messy. But I have the perfect solution to cooking bacon with no mess by baking it. So easy and no mess
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  1. You read my mind. I just visited friends who baked their bacon and it came out so nice and crispy. I decided to try it and here you are with the perfect instructions.

    1. I love making bacon this way now. Too easy and really no mess. I hate grease flying through the air. I hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by.

  2. Tammy, like you, I’m a huge bacon fan… and learning to bake bacon in the oven REVOLUTIONIZED breakfast in our home! While I don’t make bacon often, it’s a wonderful treat, and not having to deal with the mess it leaves behind when cooked on the stovetop is wonderful! Thanks for sharing this… I hope someone else’s life can be changed by switching to baking their bacon!

  3. Now that is interesting! We use the little thing you buy to put in the microwave but it’s not always easy to tell if it’s too long or too short of a time to get the perfect bacon. I will have to pin this and try it!

  4. Yummy! Love this post and it’s so helpful because I despise cooking bacon in the oven. No more hot pops for my arms! 🙂

    1. The rack really made a difference when it came to it being more crispy. I mean, there still is grease, but not as much. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I am a notorious bacon burner! I fry it on the stove-top, it burns, I bake it in the oven, it burns about half the time… I usually cook it in the microwave between paper towels so it doesn’t burn (usually only takes 3-4 minutes for 4-6 slices), but I do like the taste and texture of bacon cooked in the oven-when I don’t burn it!

  6. I do mine the same way,except I never put a rack underneath–I’ll have to try that next time. Thanks for linking up with the Tasty Tuesday’s Link-up. I have pinned your post to the Tasty’s Tuesday’s Pinterest Board!

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