My Day at the Dog Park
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Ernest T. Bass (pooch guest poster), here again, to talk to you about one of my favorite places to go.
What dog doesn’t love a day at the dark park? Check out Ernest T. Bass’ suggestions for your dog to have fun at the park

I love going in the car and I really love it when mom and dad take me on their Date Day’s. I mean, I am part of the family and should be able to go everywhere with them. I was SO happy when I realized we were at my favorite place to go and I can’t wait to tell you about my day at the dog park.
I LOVE going to the dog park for these reasons:
- Its great exercise to help keep my handsome boxer figure
- Its a park just for us fur babies (we deserve it) and no CATS are allowed
- There are so many DOG things to do
- I don’t have to be on a leash (FREEDOM)
- More smells than my nose can handle
- And more trees to leave my scent on

I get to smell and learn about all the new dogs who have been here since my last trip. I’ve heard mom and dad talk about why I have to leave my scent on every little thing. Well, folks, it’s like you reading the newspaper every day to find out the daily news. Same with us fur babies. Our scent is our newspaper about all the different dogs that have passed through the park. That’s how we learn and we leave our story behind as well.

I can just walk around and enjoy the sights for as long as I want to without being tied to that leash.

Or I can run and run and let my ears fly through the air. My tongue sometimes gets carried away.
There are a few requirements that make great dog parks than any dog must have:

Nice shaded and fenced-in areas for small and large dogs. I don’t like to play with those fufu little yappy dogs. They talk way too much! I like to run with the “big dogs”! Oh and make sure your dog has had all his shots and worming before you bring them to the park. That way the rest of us won’t get sick. And don’t forget to wear your dog collar with your name and address on it. Very important. And the part that makes me a bit woozy. Your fur baby needs to be spayed or neutered before they go to a dog park.

Making new friends. Yes, that’s a requirement by my mom and dad. You see, since I was rescued, I didn’t really know how to play sometimes with other dogs. I play too rough. Sadly, I was never taught to do this, and since I lived on the streets for a while and had to earn my food when other dogs were around. I don’t remember much about those days anymore because I have such a great home now. Mom and dad have taught me a lot since then and I can now get along with many dogs.
Husky, my new friend, was a really nice dog and we ran and ran up and down the fence for a long time. I asked him why he didn’t take off that thick furry coat he had on because it was so hot outside. He gave me a funny look like I wasn’t right or something. Oh well. I hope he comes back next time I go so we can play some more.

The toy area is a must you know. We love to crawl through tubes and run around poles. Why? I don’t know. I guess the same reason why we walk in circles before we lay down for a nap. That’s just the way we fur babies roll.

I’m glad to see there are big toys for the little humans too. I guess if fur babies can have toys at the park, they should too.

And always have somewhere to sit a spell. After a long afternoon of running and playing, I know mom and dad need a place to relax too. I only have one complaint about coming to the dog park with mom and dad. They always bring a picnic with them and eat while I play. I don’t get any of it either. It smells so good too. Like some kind of bird. But, I don’t care. I get to play and play in the park.

Whew! All that action will wear out an old man like myself. But I would come every day if my mom and dad would bring me.
I hope you enjoyed my day at the dog park and I hope to see you again soon. Please take your fur babies to the park. They really love it you know.
Friends Fur-ever,
Ernest T. Bass
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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I love how you wrote it. I never have been to a dog park, not having a dog. There’s a lot that goes into them! Sounds like we shouldn’t get a dog until the kids are grown :). I’m not ready for anymore responsibity right now. But my oldest and youngest sure would love one!
Maybe someday I can come and visit. I love to play and run – Slurp – Thanks for stopping by – Ernest
What a cute post and Ernest is such a cutie. I have two rescued dogs – Waldo a Border Collie and he wear s me out. Miss Lili a dalmatian/lab mix. They are both so good and protective. Lili doesn’t like to go on a lease at all (she had a terrible life) so she is very content to stay at home. Waldo would go any where.
So glad that you have Ernest and he is a fine looking young man. Waldo and Miss Lili send their hello’s to Ernest.
Thanks for sharing Ernest.
Thank you. I find myself quite cute myself and thank you for saving some of my fellow fur friends! Thanks for stopping by – Woof
These are fantastic pictures! I’m glad you had a good time 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. I think mom always catches my good side when taking pictures. Don’t you think so? But really, all my sides are good sides. Woof!
That is super cute. Ernest, you are a cutie. 🙂 Maybe someday you can meet Touchdown…he loves to go to the park and would love to have you as a friend to play with while there!
Awww, Thank you Meeghan. I am rather cute for an old man. I hope to meet Touchdown someday and we can discuss football. I love football. I root for the DAWGS!!!!!!! Woof!
Sweet post! Thanks for sharing with Creative Style!
Thanks April. Slurp!
I think this post is so cute! I love that it says how it has human attributes to it but it is so telling of a dog’s real experience when going for a walk. Thanks so much for sharing such a creative post with us at the Creative Style Linkup!
Thanks Brittnei for stopping by. I’m glad Mom lets me talk on her computer. Woof!
I love that there are so many dog parks these days! This looks like a good one too. Love the perspective.