Monday Moments with Preparedness Ideas

September is Preparedness Month and with Hurricane Hermine passing through my area last week, it made me want to check my “hurricane box” and other items I need to have in case the electricity goes off for hours at a time.  Since we live in the Central part of our area, we are pretty safe when it comes to hurricanes.  Every home should be prepared for any kind of situation.  Here are a few great preparedness ideas to check out.

Monday Moments with Preparedness Ideas

A Emergency binder is the perfect place to start to get organized of what is needed in our home for every member of your family.  Mom with a Prep has a great example of how to get started with your binder for emergencies.

Having enough items for when there is a power outage is a must any time of the year.  Preppers Survive has the perfect kit full of outage supplies for any family to have on hand.

Next thing is make sure you have a supply of non-perishable food in your home which can last several days for each member of your family.  Everyday Maven has a great list of food items to stock up on for emergencies.  She also has menus and grocery lists to print out to use.

And don’t forget to make a survival kit for your pets who really need human help during a disaster.  Urban Survival Site has a list of items to store for your pets.



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