Getting My Cabinets Organized
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Need easy and quick organizational ideas for the cabinets in your home? These ideas will increase storage and organize more items in one area with ease.

We all are guilty of just putting things back in cabinets and not keeping them organized. Next thing you know you can’t find anything or end up buying supplies that you already had but are jumbled up in the back of the cabinet.
I was running into this problem and it was time to put my foot down. That’s what I do when I’m sick and tired of things that drive me crazy!

China hutch
If you’ve been with me for a minute, you know last year my mom passed, and that I inherited a lot of china, silver, and crystal. When I brought it home, I basically put it where I could until I was in a better state of mind to get it all organized.
As you can see from the picture above how I just stacked all that china on top of each other waiting for the right thing to fall and break. Some of the cups are leaning and were about to topple over. I realized I had left enough time go by and it was time to reorganize.

I cleaned out all the china and glasses and started from scratch. I also dusted well to start off with a clean fresh area.
I purchased a 6 pack of cabinet storage racks to use so that I could stack the dishes in a better way. These racks are extremely sturdy which I needed for this job. Whenever I needed to remove any dishes from that area, I would have to take out a lot of other items to get to the piece I needed. It was time to change all of that.

I started with the left side first with my great-grandmother’s dishes and Mr. G’s mother’s sets of dishes. She had 2 sets but they aren’t full sets. We plan to give these sets to the first 2 granddaughters who get married as a gift. As you can see now things are separated better and if I need to get dinner plates, they will be easier to get to.
As you can see in the picture it looks like the cabinet is sagging a bit in the middle. My mom had this hutch for many years and even though the wood is extremely strong, it’s old and starting to sag. I’m hoping by giving away some of the china that the pressure will be released from the floor of that cabinet in the future.

Here is the right side of the cabinet with my china and my mom’s Spode Christmas dishes. Much, much better than it was before. It’s still crowded but fewer dishes are stacked up on each other waiting for something to fall.

Kitchen Cabinet
Under one of my kitchen cabinets, I had a bunch of baking items I used and they were all just on top of each other. When I went to pull one of them out, they all would come out. I’m in this cabinet basically every day because it holds all my pots and pans and it was getting on my last nerve. But not anymore!
I decided to try an organizer for flat items and it works beautifully. No more pulling out all the items to get to just one. I put items I rarely use in the back and I even have space left for future items.
I also cleaned out this cabinet and took to Goodwill items that I don’t use anymore. You can also see one of the cabinet storage racks that I used in the middle for other items in that cabinet. Now that giant pan lid doesn’t slide all over the place anymore.
I also use these clear plastic bins for organizing meds and vitamins in upper kitchen cabinets, organizing lids, my fridge, and a larger clear bin under my kitchen sink.

Wood Hutch
We have an old pharmacy wooden hutch from Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, MO, that my grandfather brought home with him when the hospital was remodeling back in the 60s. I’m so glad he brought this jewel home. I love this cabinet and we showcase many vintage items in it.
My mom brought it to her home in Missouri years later and when she moved to Florida, it came to our home in Georgia. It now has a home in Florida where it proudly sits in our breakfast nook area. It is so heavy and solid. The original wavy glass is still just as beautiful as it was the day it was made.

When you open the double doors at the bottom, it’s really just an open area with one shelf my dad actually put there years ago. Again, I have another set of Christmas dishes that were in there with a lot of other items that I took to Goodwill a few months ago. I now keep seasonal items there for the table and kitchen area. Even though I love my mom’s Spode Christmas dishes, the Magnolia Christmas dishes in this cabinet I adore. Such a great pattern.
I used one of those shelf racks to store more efficiently in that area too. I was able to stack trays in a better way so they wouldn’t fall off the dishes that I had them stacked on and the mugs had a better place to rest.

Bathroom Cabinets
One more place that was really bugging me was in the bathroom where I store my hair dryer. I had to really dig into the cabinet for it when I needed to dry what hair I have left and for someone who is getting older, having to bend way over to retrieve something isn’t much fun.
Then I found this Command Hair Dryer Holder and I love it!!!!! No nails. No holes in the cabinet. It’s held on the door with 2 Command strips and works perfectly. I wish they made one for my hair straightener, but I haven’t found one yet.
Now I just lean down a bit to grab my hair dryer. No more basically crawling into my cabinet to retrieve it.
Command Strip Installation Tip
It says in the instructions to take off the metal part where the dryer sits to put on the strips and backing and then place it on the door. Let’s just say that was a booger to put back together with it being on the door. I would skip that part and just peel off the stips backing and press where you want it. I do suggest not putting your hair dryer in the slot for 24 hours as suggested.
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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I am definitely going to have to try some of these tips. I have one cabinet in the kitchen that no matter what I do is a mess. It drives me crazy!
You reminded me that I need to get my cabinets organized. They are pretty scary at the moment. You cabinet is so pretty!
That is a great idea to store hair dryers! We never quite know where to keep ours.
My problem is the food storage container cabinet. It is always a mess.
My daughters have been helping me declutter and get organized like this.
We have those plastic stands in our cupboards. There really help and I can fit more in with them
These are great to help organize your spaces a bit better. I need to organize some of my spaces as well. Thank you for the motivation.
I just redid my whole kitchen to make it more functional and less clutter. I love it! These are great ways to stay organized.
I love how this shows how to make the most use out of limited space, it’s such a cute China hutch too!
These dishes have more than just financial value to them and have obviously become precious to own. Organization like this does keep them safer, and that’s important. I have some bins under my sinks that I just got for organizing and it makes a world of difference.
I really need to organize my cabinet, thanks for reminding me. I’m gonna keep these tips in mind!
I am in need of a few more cabinets. My kitchen is kinda small but the cabinets they put in have a bunch of wasted space. I organized a bunch of things in the kitchen last year when I brought home a baker’s rack.
Thanks for the great tips, this is something that i need to do. It looks so amazing when it is done. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Organizing cabinets are very important, as you say for one thing it saves the cabinet, but it also is easier to find things and know what you have.
It feels like I organize my kitchen and personal bathroom cabinets way too much. Thanks for these tips they are very much needed.