Favorite Pie Recipes for the Holidays

Favorite pie recipes that will make your mouth water and will send you back to the kitchen for seconds during the holidays.

Pie recipes that will make your mouth water and will send you back to the kitchen for seconds during the holidays.

Growing up in the South meant that during the holidays my mom served dishes that she was taught by her grandmother. I loved watching her make pies for the holidays. The house always smelt so good when she started baking.

She always made 3 or 4 pies because everyone had to have more than one kind of piece of pie for dessert.

Pumpkin pie.

Chess pie.

And let’s not forget the most important pie. Pecan Pie. And the pecans had to be grown near your home and someone always brought you a bag full of pecans in the fall to use for baking. My dad’s job was to crack all those pecans. I think he ate more than he was supposed to while doing that job.

If your childhood wasn’t full of different types of pies, then my heart goes out to you.

I asked Mr. G what his favorite holiday pies were growing up and he said, “Whatever was there!” 😋

The recipes below are not my mom’s recipes. They are very sacred to me and will stay in my recipe box and her recipe book. But, these recipes are very close to her recipes.

And without further ado, here are some of my most favorite Southern pies to make for the holidays. I will let the pictures do the talking. Yummy!


Classic Apple Pie Recipe


Old Fashioned Chess Pie


Classic Pecan Pie


Peanut Butter Silk Pie


Sweet Potato Pie


Old Fashioned Chocolate Pie


Kentucky Bourbon Pie


Chocolate Chess Pie


Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

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  1. omg Tammy, all these pies look soooooo delicious and I can’t wait to start baking me some!!! I will start with the chocolate pie, I am so excited about it lol…Thank you so much.

  2. Thanks for some great ideas for holiday pies. I usually make the same pie every year but I am feeling encouraged to try a few of these recipes to offer something new.

  3. I’ve always loved pumpkin pie but it seems to be quite the controversial pie! Haha it’s nice having a variety so everyone can enjoy a slice of something sweet for the holiday ^_^

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