Favorite Christmas Gift: Thank You Cards
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I love making my own cards and personalizing them in some manner and Christmas time is no different.

I love receiving cards with pictures of families and friends or one that has been handmade. I have a friend down the street who will paint a picture and have them made into cards. They are so beautiful and very thoughtful. Makes it special to think someone took the time to create that for my family.
I really love the idea of sending Thank You cards out at Christmas time. Even though I know we all say Thank You when we open the gifts, but, what a great teaching tool for children to learn at a very young age to always acknowledge in a special way. There is always that special item you received and you want to let the giver know how much it meant to you.

So today, I have for all of you a Thank You note you can print out to use for yourself or pass to others.
There are 2 on a page and they are so easy to make. You simply print the PDF file on good quality card stock, cut it in half to form 2 folding cards, and then fold each, or use a scoring blade like I did to create the fold for your cards. The final size is 5.5″ x 4.25″ so they are the standard notecard size and fit perfectly into size A2 envelopes. I usually use the Kraft envelopes, since I can use those with so many cards I make, or Red or Green envelopes would be so pretty with this.
Click on the picture above to print.
Click on the picture above to print.

I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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These are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing the printables.
Thanks Terra for stopping by. I love making cards.
I absolutely love these! I am so pinning to use for Christmas. Very well done!
Thanks Tammy!!
Lovely! I love all those fun Christmas colors. Your card is very creative!!!!!!!!!
Thank you. I love making cards. Makes them more personal.
These are great! Fantastic job creating them and appreciate the printable too. I’m Pinning these to my Christmas DIY board right now!
Thanks Shirley for stopping by and for the pin. I hope you enjoy them.
What awesome printables they are. The cards are awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Adelien and thanks for stopping by
I LOVE these! Thank you so much. Pinning!
Thank you Missy!!
What a pretty card you created! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Hi Tammy! I have my kiddo send thank you cards, but you know, anymore I just send an email thank you for a phone call. But I should probably get back to the cards again. It’s more personal 🙂
these are great! thanks 🙂