A Missed Moment
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I belong to our community’s Garden Club and for the past 2 years, we have helped with Grandkid’s Day. Out of all the activities our club does, this by far is my favorite. The kids enjoy the activities so much and they always make me smile. And how smart they are too for little ones!!
They made Ladybugs and Caterpillars from egg cartons by painting them, adding pipe cleaners for antenna and little googly eyes.
Tissue paper flowers inserted into soup cans covered in colored string and decorated with stick-on foam butterflys, birds and bugs.
Went on a Scavenger Hunt in the butterfly area. (The older ones really enjoyed that activity)
Ate butterfly shaped sandwiches with caterpillars made from grapes with mini chocolate chip eyes.
And the activity they all seemed to enjoy the most, so did the adults, was the butterfly release. If you have never done this before, the butterflies come in small cellophane envelopes in the mail.
You slowly open the envelope and watch as they slowly come to life.
The laughter, smiles and joy on their faces was priceless. We all agreed this was well worth doing and plan on doing this again in the future.
And then there is Max. He is such a cutie pie and has come to our summer activities before. He wanted to catch a butterfly so I could take a picture of him letting it go! He is so smart and sweet and the reason for my “Missed Moment”.
As Christians, we are taught to spread the glorious word of God in our everyday lives and activities. But I know there are some of us, including myself, that have a problem doing this in open public where there are a lot of people around. I know that should never stop me, but I ask God’s help in situations and hope he guides me to say the right thing. I want to say the right words and not seem to be pushy and cause the person receiving the Word to take it in the wrong way.
Max and I were talking while he was finishing up his projects and he said, “Kids call me four eyes.” Oh how I could relate. I heard that all through school since I have worn glasses since I was 1 year old. I put my arm around him and told him things haven’t changed and that I was called the same thing. Then he proceeded to tell me he is also called a geek. Once again, I could relate.
We talked about this for awhile and I told him that being a geek is rather cool now. Seems “geek” advice is in high demand. Kids always need so much encouragement in their lives, especially when others pick on them. The smile I got from Max, after our conversation, was worth more than anything that day!
My “Missed Moment” was after I went home and was telling my husband about Max’s problems and then it hit me.
I missed the most perfect opportunity to let him know that he is so perfect in God’s eyes. That we are ALL perfect in His eyes. No matter what other people say.
We all need to learn not to miss our “God Moments”, especially with children.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – Psalm 139:14 NIV
I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day,

I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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