Halloween Costume Ideas
Oh how I miss making costumes for my little one all those years ago. He was so into Sesame Street and loved everything about it. Halloween costume ideas weren’t my forte, but I was able to find a pattern to make the head and hands and the rest was pretty basic clothing. He wore that thing for 3 years he loved it so much. I wish I still had that pattern.
Looking at that picture got me to reminiscing about how much fun we use to have on that holiday and I started looking at today’s Halloween costumes and how creative moms are. Here are just a few I came up on.
How cute is this I ask you. Super Mario brothers costumes and this looks extremely easy to make. It came from Indestructibles and has a link to download some of the patterns needed but this would be a great last minute costume to make.
I love this little Peter Pan costume! Looks pretty easy to make and she has a picture tutorial thats super easy to follow. Just a little bit of sewing for the belt and made from mostly felt. Make It Love It has tons more costumes to look through also.
What little girl doesn’t want to be a princess sometime in their life. This costume is also from Make It Love It and will take a bit of sewing to get it done with plenty of pictures to view. But so worth it when you see the look on your little princess when she sees it. And a perfect costume for her to use in dress up time for many months after.
These Candy Box costumes made me laugh out loud. So cute. MayDae doesn’t really give instructions for these boxes, but I think if you are one of those creative minds, you could figure out how to make these out of cardboard boxes.
I would love to hear about your creations of costumes.
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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