Monday Moments with Garden Sheds
My dream is to have my own garden/potting shed with my garden surrounding it with chickens galore. But, alas, my yard is too small to have a garden shed. But a girl can dream and we are planning to move in the near future to a bigger lot where maybe, just maybe, my dreams will come true. Here are a few ideas for inspiration if you are looking for a garden shed idea.
What I love about this garden shed by Organized Clutter, is she took an existing cluttered up shed and made it her own. She repainted it and added a few features which just made it lovely.
Flea Market Gardening is showing off not only a HER shed but an example of a HIS shed. Using material from a fence which was blown down by a tornado, both sheds were born. Actually, several items were recycled to build these 2 sheds.
Taking inspiration from a magazine, Home Is Where the Boat Is really made a beautiful shed from the ground up and how she decorates it throughout the year. Why not have a shed for all seasons.
Living Vintage Co. builds sheds for people and this last idea is just stunning. Let’s just say I could live there and it’s much more than a garden shed.
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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