Composting for Any Size Garden
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Happy New Year to everyone and welcome to my garden update!! The winter garden is in full swing and I’m just starting to harvest some produce. I will also discuss composting for any size garden and how easy it is. Even for a garden as small as mine.

We had a cold snap this past week, so I went out and harvested the “almost” red tomatoes and covered the plants with old sheets I have stored just for those cold nights. As long as the temp doesn’t go below 29 degrees, the tomato plants will be fine if covered. Frost will burn a plant very easily and cover them will help with that tool. If you do cover your plants, please go out when the temp is high enough and pull off your coverings. If you let your plants sit under that protection for too long, the sun will cook them. I have lived and learned that!
To get these tomatoes to turn completely red is easy. I just put them in a plastic container or closed paper bag and let them sit for a few days. You can put an apple in the container with the tomatoes to help the process faster. Don’t wash your tomatoes (just wipe them off) or put them in the fridge before you eat them. Tomatoes to best just sitting in the kitchen until needed.

The main produce in my small garden is cabbage, loose leaf lettuce, 3 different varieties of dwarf kale and 3 different kinds of spinach. I love the dwarf versions of kale, especially for the small garden. They stay small, compact and don’t really get bitter. Great for salads. My spinach, well, looks awful. Not growing well at all and half didn’t come up. I think its time to get new seeds.
Let’s talk compost!
Composting is a very important part of your garden. Take your garden and kitchen scraps and let them break down with other yard materials will make your garden rich in nutrients. Every season, your garden eats up what the dirt has to offer. It must be replenished and compost is the best way to do it.
It’s easy to do and if done correctly, isn’t stinky. My compost buckets are next to my house and when I go out the garden, I have never smelled anything.
Your compost pile can be as elaborate or simple as you like. For me, it’s really simple and basic.

This is my compost area. 3 – 5 gallon used and clean paint buckets which my hubby drilled large holes in the sides and bottom. They sit next to the garden area and when I clean up the garden, I just toss the scraps in the buckets. I started this last year and as you can see the top part isn’t ready to be used yet. I will pour out the 3 buckets in my wheel barrel, stir up the compost a bit and return it all back into the buckets. During the spring, I will keep adding more scraps and clippings and by this fall, I should have good compost for my garden. Nature does most of the hard work for me.
What You Add to Compost:
Any vegetable scraps and peelings, leaves, garden, plant and grass clippings, used tea and coffee grounds, farm animal manure and eggshells which have been washed clean. Anything “green” as in “plants” works best.
What Not to Add to Compost:
Any animal products such as meat, poultry, pork, fish or bones from animals. Any kind of animal protein will cause your compost to smell and cause “creatures” to dig around in there. I know you don’t want raccoons, stray dogs and cats, skunks and other vermin in your yard. DO NOT add cat or dog feces!! They will only cause disease and parasites.
What to do with your Compost:
Rain and sun will help your compost best, but you do need to turn your pile every few months. If you aren’t having a lot of rain, just turn the hose on your piles. If you see bugs, great!! Bugs are your friend because they help break down your piles even more. Put some worms in your piles too!!
What if the piles smell bad:
More than likely you haven’t turned your pile in a while and it needs air. Don’t add too much of one thing. Ex: grass clippings or dead leaves. If you just added manure will make your piles smell bad.
Compost Bin Examples:
There are several types of compost bins out there if you don’t want to have open piles somewhere in your yard. If you have a really large garden, you would need to make your compost piles on the ground. But for smaller gardens, here are some compost bins to choose from.

This compost bin sits on the ground. Just add your scraps and then your compost comes out the bottom. You would have to turn the compost every few months.

I really like how this bin works because you can constantly turn your compost without having to do this process by hand. Sounds like my kind of compost bin and is on my garden list of items to purchase in the future.

Easy to assemble compost bin and also nice looking in your garden. What I love about this one is the top comes off easily and the front opens up to shovel out your compost and to turn it.

I have a kitchen countertop compost bin which I throw my food scraps from the kitchen in and I don’t have to go out to the garden every day. This bin washes up so nicely and the top comes off easily. Looks nice in my kitchen too.
Composting doesn’t cost anything to add “plant” material to your piles and it adds so much to your garden. It keeps materials out of the landfill and lets nature recycle them into useful nutrients. Composting is easy to learn, easy to do, can be any size and a valuable skill for beginners and experienced gardeners.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it – Genesis 2:15
My Garden Favs
Check out my favorite garden supplies that are essential for anyone to grow beautiful plants.
Get your hands dirty,
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I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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OH man, I wish we were still gardening this time of year. For us it’s all about shoveling the snow!
Thanks Scott for stopping by. I hear ya about the snow. I use to live in that type of weather. When I moved to Florida and realized I can grow things 365 days of the year. I was in shock. Its taken a few years to get use to it.
I have a compost pile and need to use it. I will be planting some herbs in the spring.
All our plants love compost. Thanks for stopping by Tara
All our plants love compost. I wish I had a larger space to have more. Thanks for stopping by Tara
How cool! I can’t grow anything. I have a black thumb. Plus I forget to water stuff so I just never have bothered with a garden.
I have learned over the years that everyone can grow something. You just need to find out what that is. Keep trying Amber and thanks for stopping by
Thanks for that tips about growing tomato, I still didn’t know some of it and glad you share it. I have some tomatoes in my garden and now I know how to take care of it during the cold nights.
Thanks for stopping by Sarah. Tomatoes are pretty easy to grow in the ground and in containers.
I´ve always wanted to have my omw lemon tree, but unfortunately I don´t have space for it 🙁
I tried growing a lemon tree with no luck either Maryanne. Thanks for stopping by
I wish I could garden this time of year. The only thing I’m planting is salt in the driveway!
HI Ashley. You can grow indoors too. Herbs and loose leaf lettuce.
I’ve never really thought about having a glorified trash bin. But seeing all of these makes me want to have one, that tumbler one gets my bet!
I love the tumbler too and my next investment.
I really need to find a compost bin for our house. Your plants look like they are doing great!
oh man this reminds me of my grannies. they both you to garden and they always had some of the best tomatoes in their gardens
Wow, I’d love to have a garden like yours. I tried it once with tomatoes, didn’t end well for me. Seeing those professionally looking compost bins makes me wonder what else they have in store. (wink)
Keep trying Dana!!
I’ve been planning to start gardening but I can’t find time to do it. Hopefully this year. These are great tips, thanks for sharing!
Mhaan |
HI Mahann. Start with planting in one pot. Then grow from there.
Wow, This is so cool I want to have a garden here in our house and I want to experience gardening.
I love using raised gardening. Try with one square to get your feet wet. Won’t take up much room and easy to maintain.
You surely have a green thumb!!! Your garden is just so lovely. I hope to have a garden like this soon. There’s nothing like having your own supply of veggies at home. I hope your garden continues to flourish!!!
Thanks Elizabeth for stopping by
Omg one of my besties has a composite pile!!!! I’ve always wanted to get into that but you aren’t allowed where we live :-/
we planted a raised bed garden this year and loved it but it was our first time living somewhere with a freeze and everything died – so sad!
Hi Tiana, We had a really hard cold the past couple of nights, but I covered my tomatoes. They look ok today. But time will tell.