Garden Update + Christmas Gift Ideas
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Cool weather plants are growing fast and just about ready to harvest in the #garden. Gift ideas for any gardener on your shopping list

With the year coming to an end, that means the weather is finally ready for all those cool weather plants to start producing. The snails have finally disappeared and I don’t have to worry about too many pests this time of the year.
I can’t wait for all the green tomatoes to start turning red to pick. Baring we don’t have a heavy freeze in the next few weeks. I’m hoping by Christmas, we can enjoy a nice salad made from the garden. I know my visiting brother will love those fresh tomatoes this time of the year.

My cucumbers didn’t make it. Will try again in the spring.

Looks like the lizards are dressed for Christmas!!

Can’t wait to harvest the cabbage.
Do you have a gardener in your family? Here are a few for fun and a few for working garden inspired gifts to choose from.

A couple of fun games to play when you can’t garden.

Foldable Kneeler and Garden Seat Portable Stool
We all need to take a break and sit while gardening sometimes. I love this stool because you can either sit or kneel on it.

Gardman 4-Tier Mini Greenhouse
Great idea for the gardener who not only has the space but has a larger garden.

On my wish list this year!! I would love to have this for herbs all year long in the house.

Fiskars 3 Piece Softouch Garden Tool Set
Every gardener needs a sturdy set of tools and these do a great job.

I couldn’t garden without these hand pruners. With ratchet action, your hand doesn’t get tired and you can cut larger branches with it.

Collapsible Folding Outdoor Utility Wagon
This wagon folds up so nicely to put away, carry in the car and pull around your garden.
If you have any garden questions or have found a great new plant to grow, let us know about it. Gardening is learning from others and sharing new ideas really helps me with future posts to pass along to you.
Get your hands dirty,
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My Garden Favs
Check out my favorite garden supplies that are essential for anyone to grow beautiful plants.

I’m just a country girl loving my geeky life with my wonderful husband, always taking pictures, getting my hands dirty in the garden, being crafty, exploring with travels and enjoying all this on a budget. But above all, living my faith as a child of God!
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I can’t keep anything alive so you are light years ahead of me! I need someone to do a garden for me!
Hi Jeanette. Try something which is easy to grow like spinach or loose leaf lettuce when its cooler in a pot. Tomatoes grow well in a pot too. Thanks for stopping by
Wow great pictures! I once tried growing tomatoes but I failed due to my lack of skills; they always fall down and you need to arrange the sticks wisely to support tomatoes…that stacking part resulted in the failure, however, the tomatoes were delicious.
Hi Akhil. Thanks for stopping by. I know a lot of people who let their tomatoes crawl on the ground. You can also get a bush version and they are sturdier and stand up better.
I’ll try this next time 🙂
All those garden items are so cute. It makes me want to plant a garden of my own so I could have those fun tools.
My friend would love Garden-opoly. I need to send this post to her daughter for ideas.
Hi Marcia. I have Farm-opoly but don’t have Garden-opoly yet. Hubby and I love to play games and put together puzzles.
This pictures force me to make garden in my house so i have no choice. I’ll make garden and plant my favorite strawberries. Thanks for forcing me to do it! ^_^
Great pictures! Garden can makes you fresh air,fruits,vegetables,etc. It’s so good and helpful.
So true Jocely. I love eating what I grow.
That lizard is adorable. I love all those gardening goodies for Christmas gift ideas! I will have to share this link with my husband!
I love our ever changing color lizards down here. Thanks for stopping by Wren
I’m not sure if I have a green thumb but I’ve been plating in my garden since early this year! I think it’s awesome to be able to give these gifts to people who love gardening! I know a few who’ll love these!
The little lizard is too cute.
I really like the garden themed games. Such a cool idea. I hadn’t heard of them before.