Adding Spice Storage to Your Kitchen

Check out these beautiful and functional ideas for keeping your spices organized and fresh.

Check out these beautiful and functional ideas for keeping your spices organized and fresh.

One of my favorite things to do is organize. I guess my organized skills came from my dad who was in the Navy for 20 years. His tool shed was always so neat and tidy and easy to find exactly what you need.

With proper organizing tools, it’s effortless and very satisfying to keep things in the right place. It makes take some time, but it’s so well worth it.

Best way to store spices
  • Spices are best kept in a cool dark area. The most common spaces to store spices are in a cabinet, pantry, or drawer.
  • Moisture will ruin spices. Keeping the spice jar closed tightly will help keep moisture out. The fridge isn’t the best place to store dried spices. There is moisture in the fridge which will ruin the spice.
  • Take advantage of all the many great types of spice organizers that are out there. Pick what fits your style and the area where you want to store your spices.
  • Label your spices so you can easily identify them. Place the label where you can see it easily.
How long do spices last

Below is a list of how long spices last, but let your nose be the judge. If the spice in the jar doesn’t smell like it should, then it’s time to throw it out and replace it.

  • Whole spices last up to 3 – 4 years
  • Ground spices last up to 2 – 4 years
  • Ground leafy spices last up to 1 – 3 years
Spice organization ideas

I have several spices and the way I organize them is simple. I use a two-tier plastic Lazy Susan. It works perfectly for me and keeps them in a dark, dry place for them to last.

Here are a few other beautiful ways to organize and display your spices for you to inspire from.

Drawer Organization

This is a lovely way to store your spices in a drawer next to the stove and oven using mini Ball spice jars and extra fine white marker to keep from buying labels or making your own. The spice drawer liner is perfect if you are looking for a more inexpensive answer.

Mason Jar Storage

Mason jars seem to be the best organizer for so many things. And for spices, that holds true too. The smaller jelly jars are perfect for this. I keep a few mixed spices in my pantry in mason jars with wide-mouth chalkboard tops that I can write on using a chalkboard pen and erase when the spice is changed in the future.

Magnetic Door Spice Rack

This idea is perfect for those who don’t have a lot of space. As you can see, she used a metal sheet pan dish with small magnetic spice jars to hang on a door.

Tiered Spice Drawer

What I love about this idea is that when you open the drawer you can see the labels easily. This is a DIY project but there are also wooden drawer inserts that can be cut to size that will do the same thing.

Lazy Susan Organization

Do people still call these Lazy Susans? This is how I organize my spices. I have one two-tiered Lazy Susan that holds all my spices and baking needs. I do love the metal Lazy Susan.

Vintage Spice Rack

Have you ever seen this vintage spice rack before? I know my mom used to have one many years ago with those special spice jars. I loved it.

In The Wall Spice Storage

Firstly, be sure to click on the link under the picture above to check out the transformation of this kitchen. The in-the-wall spice storage was added because of a mistake in the countertops when remodeling. I love how that mistake became a spice rack. What a beautiful way to incorporate spices into your decor.

Plastic Shelves Wall Spice Rack

For those who have a lot of spices and you just can’t find the best place to store them, how about this idea of acrylic spice shelves to arrange the spice jars? I love this look. Very clean and organized.

Spice Labels are a Must

After showing all the different types of storage, the most important item that must be mentioned is the labels for all those spice jars. Listed below are labels you may want to use.

Spice Jars Galore
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  1. This is all great advice! The storage space in my kitchen is limited, so my assortment spice ingredients is sorely lacking. But this’ll help me out immensely! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. I do need to organize all my spices. They are shoved in a cabinet right now and look awful. I like the magnetic door idea.

  3. Keeping things neat and organized can make a big difference in making your home feel more comfortable and efficient. Using glass jars and labels for spices is a great way to keep them organized and easily accessible when you’re cooking. Plus, it adds a nice touch to your kitchen decor. 🙂

  4. My husband knows my least favorite cabinet in the kitchen is our spice cabinet. The pics in this post are so satisfying!

  5. I would love a drawer that would be devoted just to my spice jars. At the moment, they are mixed in with other dried goods I have bought from the bulk food store.

  6. I have my spices next to my stove. I do agree that you need a little organization for everything in your kitchen and also your spice too. Thanks for sharing this great advice with us.

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