Have a Holly Jolly Christmas with Etsy

Shopping small businesses are the best places to find the perfect gift choices this year. Here are just a few items I found this year from Etsy.

Shopping small businesses is the best place to find the perfect gift choices this year. Here are just a few items I found this year from Etsy.

I love giving gifts that aren’t mass-produced and have a personal touch with all of them. Etsy has always been my one-stop place for these items. Whether for a family member, pet, friend, or co-worker, I know I will find something that puts a smile on the receiver’s face every time.

I have made a few gift idea lists this year and if you need inspiration, take a look to see if there might be something you would like to give as a gift:

Shopping small businesses are the best places to find the perfect gift choices this year. Here are just a few items I found this year from Etsy.

I love wearing Christmas pj’s during the month of December and here are some family pj’s for the whole family.

Shopping small businesses are the best places to find the perfect gift choices this year. Here are just a few items I found this year from Etsy.

A personalized dry erase chalkboard calendar is a perfect gift for those families with crazy schedules.

Shopping small businesses are the best places to find the perfect gift choices this year. Here are just a few items I found this year from Etsy.

I actually bought this terrarium for myself. I love to grow plants in my home and it’s a perfect gift idea for anyone who loves plants.

Shopping small businesses are the best places to find the perfect gift choices this year. Here are just a few items I found this year from Etsy.

Have a coffee or tea lover and love mugs? Check out these adorable pottery mugs for a great gift choice.

Be sure to stop by Etsy’s Holiday Shop for more gift ideas and check out My Profile page to see all my Etsy lists.

Unique gift idea under $30 for all the kids you have on your holiday list that you can only find at Etsy.
These festive gifts are perfect for your four-legged family members. From delicious treats to playful toys, I'm sharing some cute gift ideas for all the furry friends in your life.
With a little help from Etsy, I have found so many different personalized gift ideas for everyone on my list.
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  1. I always buy gifts for my friend in Etsy. I love all these ideas! Might order the mug or terrarium for her this Christmas.

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