Give Thanks with Our Senses

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Give Thanks with Our SensesWhen I think about giving thanks, I know I forget to tell God “Thank You” so often for the little things.  Such as, our senses.






So many live without one or more of those senses.  I for one, don’t have very good vision.  But, I think my other senses have made up for that.

Touching the softest blanket, seeing the beauty of the ocean, tasting the best pizza, smelling a beautiful rose and hearing the laughter of a child.

Only God could give us this honor everyday and I thank Him for that.


That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life – 1 John 1:1


I also have one other thing to give thanks for that I have been following for a few years now.


The story of Ryan Ferguson.  A young man going to the University of Missouri when he was arrested for second-degree murder and first-degree robbery two years after the 2001 death of Tribune sports Editor Kent Heitholt.  I became interested in this story not only because it happened in my home state and there was just something about that young man that tugged at my heart every time I saw his face.  All the evidence I listened to just never convinced me he was guilty and I was always waiting for new updates on either Dateline or 48 Hours.  He was found guilty and spent nearly 10 years of his life behind bars.  After a few attempts of appeals, finally just a few days ago, Ryan Ferguson was set free. It seems the wheels of justice really do move much slower to over turn a conviction. The appeals court ruled that prosecutors withheld information and thus Ferguson didn’t have a fair trial.  They also determined there was not enough evidence to support a new trial.  

Even after his release, he says he will do all he can do to get his accuser released.  What a gracious thing for this young man to do.  You can read about the case HERE.  

Thank you Lord for guiding all those involved in finding out the truth for this young man.

Happy Thanksgiving and what are you Thankful for this season,


Thankful Thursdays
The Long Journey,  The Beat of My Life and The Backbone of Our Country are part of our Thankful Thursdays.  I hope you will join us.

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